To be a Holy Fool is not the same as being a fool. Holy Foolery is not foolishness.
It is folly, really, to try to write about holy foolery because its very nature leans toward the incomprehensible, the elusive, the mysterious. If we were to understand the Holy Fool we would understand everything and nothing at the same time. To engage with a Holy Fool is to leave both unsettled and comforted.
Holy Fools will seek out those who are distracted by “this” world. They will risk reputation and comfort in the hopes the rest of us will understand the “all” of this life. They will be in mundane places like the car wash and engage you about the wonderings of eternity. Without saying a word, the Holy Fool will make us see our own mortality and sin; and then somehow inspire us to see beyond it.
Holy Fools want us to think about WHY we exist, not just THAT we exist. When they speak it makes sense and yet we walk away confused.
Throughout history Holy Fools have chosen to suffer, to go without, to serve, to meditate, to heal, to share. Some biblical examples of Holy Fools might be Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hosea and Paul.
For me I’m coming to understand that the Holy Fool lives beyond the thin veil, and only natters about with us because they’ve got this flesh and bone to lug about. Every immaterial part of them is hanging out with God in ways we can’t understand.
So … if you come across who you think might be a Holy Fool listen carefully, soak up every incomprehensible thing they have to say … you may just be getting news straight from the source!
Julie Lees