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Ministers Musing 19th January 2024

Highlands loves kids, always has and always will. You only have to look today at our congregation and see the generations of kids that have grown up and STAYED and continue to worship here. It brings me so much joy to see the kids and youth today, from our wee ones to our late teens and beyond run into the building like they own it. This place is their place, where they feel safe and loved and accepted for exactly who they are. Isn’t that a beautiful thing?! 

Last week I attended a course on Intergenerational Worship at Vancouver School of Theology with children, youth and family leaders from all denominations and from across Canada… so I am all fired up for this week’s ALL AGES service! 

Intergenerational worship, doesn’t mean simplifying worship to keep kids engaged and entertained at every given moment of the service. Nor does it mean watered down theology with a quick sermon - coupled with splashy songs and movement to fill the time! 

Intergenerational worship isn’t a kid’s service, with cutsie kid moments for us to ooo and ahhhh at. 

True intergenerational worship is all of us worshipping God together: toddlers, kids, teens and adults of all ages, approaching worship with an openness, like that of a curious child eager to feel God’s presence. We will know we have done our job right when each one of us has a moment in the service that resonates and speaks directly to us, and our relationship with God. That is the presence of the Holy, in and amongst ALL of us. 

We look forward to seeing you in person or online this Sunday. As always, nursery care will be provided.